Below you can find more information about the group
Mr. Deelip B. Chakkarwar
(President) -
Mr. Deelip B. Chakkarwar(Director) is dynamic Entrepreneur having vast Experience of Various Industries like Agriculture, Solvent Extraction , edible Oil Refining, Fertilisers, Pharma & Now Non – Ferrous Industry.
“ You should See what Others Can Not You should Do what Others Can Not “
Mr. Rohan Chakkarwar
(Managing Director) -
Rohan Chakkarwar(Managing Director) is Young Entrepreneur having Chemical Engineering Background & One Decade Experience of Solvent Industry.
His Strengths are Handling Volumes & Analyse the Market Proactively.
He Belives “ Nothing In This World is to Feared Only it is to well Understood”
Mr. Sohan Chakkarwar
(Director) -
Mr. Sohan Chakkarwar(Director) is Young Entrepreneur having Instrumentation Engineering Background & MBA.
He is well Acquainted with Overseas Market.
He believes “ Profit is By Product of Best Quality Products & Prompt Service”